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Thursday, July 29, 2010


That's Right! I am Engaged to my Boyfriend of the last almost 9 months Seth! I am so excited. I have known that it was going to be happening sometime soon just really didn't know when or how. I had my suspicions of when and where but.. I was totally wrong!

Seth and I had been talking about the possibility of getting married since I would say the middle of April if not sooner.  Seth had done a lot of ring shopping without me as I really didn't want to be placed in the awkward seat of the Jewelers putting my emotions towards a ring in Seth's lap. Yes I have been engaged twice before Seth, yes I have been in that awkward seat before and it just wasn't my idea of fun this time around.

Seth would send me pictures of rings here and there and I never really found one I fell in love with.  So he asked if I would go shopping with him and he promised he would not get into the whole financial aspect of buying a ring with me there, so I agreed.

On Monday July 5th, "We went to Jared"... yes we went to Jared, i know a little cheesy but its just how it happened.  I has been looking online and had an idea of a look I wanted. My taste in rings have change with each engagement. I want something that I feel like is going to be unique yes timeless and classy. Not to huge but not to small. I feel like my ring is just that.  We found it at Jared, after looking many places online and in a few stores.

I had gotten a phone call while we were at Jared which gave me a good escape to let Seth talk about his end of the whole deal, which I was thankful for.  There were a few complications with getting the ring into his hands ready for a proposal, first they sold the original diamond we had picked out, then he chose another one and had them put it in the setting, took the ring and realized they didn't size it correctly, took it back in and they sized it too big (before it was too small), so he had to take it back in and have it sized correctly for the final time.  I knew he officially had the ring on July 22nd.

The weekend of July 23-25 my family, some friends and Seth all went up to Bear lake for the weekend, camping and riding our waverunners... This is my favorite lake and camping/waverunning is one of my favorite things to do, so I thought knowing he had the ring that he would propose, he always promised me that once he had the ring he wouldn't hold onto it for very long. Needless to say the camping trip had came and gone and we were back in Riverton unpacking everything... and I still had no ring.. I was a little bummed, I could of sworn he was going to propose up at the lake... After everything had been cleaned up and put away Seth decided he was going to go home, shower, and take a nap. At least that is what he told me....

He left, I showered, gave Zoie and Bath and was sitting around the house in my pajamas as I was tired from the long, hot weekend. My family was getting ready to have dinner (some leftover chicken salad sandwiches from camping.)  I was being lazy, I asked my little brother Presten to go get me a drink out of the fridge in the garage ( for those of you who haven't been to my parents house we have a fridge in the garage that is basically a drink fridge.)  Presten was awesome and went to get me a drink.  I was cutting the corn off the cob and my mom told me she would finish cutting it off if I would go get her a bottle of water from the garage, Presten said he would and went to get my mom a bottle of water.  He came back in and my dad asked me to go get him a drink... and said it was my turn not Presten's so i got up and went to get him a diet coke from the fridge out in the garage. I open the garage door and...

There was Seth with a dozen red roses, down on one knee, in his suit with my ring in one hand. I was shocked I wasn't expecting to see him in the garage, I thought he was at home sleeping... I was in pretty good shock that I don't remember exactly what he said but I know he asked me to marry him, and of course I said Yes! 

We then ate dinner with my family, then decided we wanted to go to Village Inn for pie, as that was the place that we officially met each other.  We sat in the same both, and it was just fun to look back at our dating and some of the fun yet crazy times have shared in the last 9 months.

We have no official wedding date planned right now, however we are thinking sometime in March 2011.


  1. What a brother to postpone the engagement by appearing to be helpful. : ) How old is Presto now?? Congrats on the engagement!

  2. Cute love love the ring! Congratulations.

  3. Congrats Lacey I am happy for you! Just wanted to tell you that your hands remind me of grandma's!
